In November 2017, the HCV-HCSA Assessment Manual was published as the official document for integrated HCV-HCSA assessments. Since then, all stakeholders have gained experience on how report evaluations work in practice. Building from this experience and after receiving inputs from stakeholders, there was the need to update the manual and templates.
The newly published HCV-HCSA Assessment Manual provides assessors with clear guidance on what information must be presented in the assessment report. The document is split into two main sections, the assessment process (part one), and the reporting requirements (part two), with the last part of the Manual describing the quality assurance process. It also incorporates information from other documents such as advice notes, and refers strictly to the assessment and reporting done by the assessment team.
To produce this updated Manual, the HCV Network Secretariat worked in collaboration with the High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA) Secretariat, Assessor Licensing scheme staff, Quality Panel members, Licensed Assessors, and with consultation from various stakeholders. Funding for the Manual was provided by HCV Network and the HCSA Executive Committee (Partnerships for Forests).
Webinars for Licensed Assessors and Quality Panel Members
The HCVN Secretariat held two webinars in late May to introduce Licensed Assessors and Quality Panel Members to the new Manual. During the live sessions, the main changes in process and content were discussed, along with examples following practical needs during assessment and report evaluation.

Manual and reporting
The Manual is available in the HCVN Website Library from June 28th, 2023 and is available in English, Bahasa Indonesia, and Spanish.
Reports of assessments that started before the publication of this new version and which are based on the previous manual and template (2017) can only be submitted for evaluation until the end of 2023 and will need to be registered with the HCVN by email before August 29th.
Reports for assessments contracted before the publication may follow the new manual upon confirmation.
Thanks to everyone who contributed and participated in this process!
If you have any questions about the Manual, please contact