Never has there been a more critical time for companies to be protecting and enhancing nature through their supply chains and within their sourcing regions, in particular with mounting attention on setting nature targets and nature-based disclosures. The High Conservation Value (HCV) Approach is widely adopted in the forestry sector as part of sustainable forest management and the agricultural sector as part of Deforestation and Conversion Free commitments. Protecting High Conservation Values means securing threatened wildlife, natural and critical habitats, local ecosystem services, and the needs and cultural values of indigenous people and local communities – for that reason it is a nature, people and climate solution.
Many companies have made an incredible effort to identify HCVs through HCV assessments on their own production lands or that of their suppliers. They are on a good track to measure and disclose their impacts - and to some degree their dependencies - on nature. The next step is to secure HCVs for good, through the minimising of impacts and putting in place actions to build resilience and restore HCVs.
This involves implementing HCV management and monitoring plans; building up the teams on the ground with the right environment and social expertise, designing an effective plan, improving stakeholder engagement and collaborations, and of course monitoring.
The competencies of the human resources responsible for planning and executing this work on the ground are one of the critical factors for success.
This online course is a valuable resource for companies looking to invest in their staff who are currently designing HCV Management and Monitoring plans or are looking to improve efficiency and impact of their existing plans. This course has been developed by the HCV Network Secretariat – with input and case study material from companies and organisations from across the globe.

Who will benefit from this course?
Individuals directly involved in HCV management and monitoring are encouraged to participate in this course, as this course can enhance their capacity with fundamental knowledge and skills for developing, implementing, and adapting their HCV management plans.
What does this course cover?
Through a combination of online modules and interactive case studies workshops, participants will delve into several HCV Management & Monitoring topics including:
- Understanding and translating the HCV M&M recommendations from assessment reports into organisations' strategic HCV management plans.
- The process of translating strategic plans into detailed and actionable work plans.
- Exploring best practices and techniques for the management and monitoring of HCVs.
- Understanding the monitoring of HCV management plans to track progress and effectiveness, and how monitoring results contribute to an adaptive management cycle.
Whether you are a grower in a large company or a conservation practitioner in a small organisation, this course on HCV Management and Monitoring will make a real difference in your conservation efforts. It will equip you with essential knowledge and skills to better place your efforts into HCV conservation, and be able to contribute to the long-term protection of HCVs.
“Overall,I found the experience as an exceptional learning, especially when we discussed Management & Monitoring action plans and responding to changes in HCVs with different companies, departments, individuals; coming together sharing our experiences to protect and enhance HCVs.” Participant from the dry test.
Join us in safeguarding our planet's outstanding natural and social values through better HCV M&M implementation.
Practical information:
Download the course flyer to learn about course fees and registration dates.
Early bird registration (15% discount) is available until December 15th, 2023.
Please contact if you have any questions.