Last November, the Management Committee decided to reconfigure its composition to 10 seats: 3 were allocated to Not-for-Profit organizations, 2 to Technical Service Providers, 2 to Standards, and 3 to Producer/Supply Chain Companies. All Members were invited to indicate their interest in running for election, and between November 2019 and March 2020, Network Members elected their new 2020-2023 Management Committee.

The HCVN is happy to feature its new Management Committee, representing:

Not-for-Profit organizations
World Resources Institute (WRI)
Primary: Rod Taylor, Global Director, Forests
Secondary: Anne Rosenbarger, Southeast Asia Commodities Manager, Global Forest Watch Commodities and Finance

Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)
Primary: Marcus Colchester, Senior Policy Advisor
Secondary: Patrick Anderson, Policy Advisor, Indonesia

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Primary: Elizabeth Clarke, Global Palm Oil Lead
Secondary: William Baldwin-Cantello, Forest Practice Leader (Interim)

Producer/Supply Chain companies
Primary: Craig Tribolet, Sustainability Operations Manager
Secondary: Lucita Jasmin, Director for Sustainability & External Affairs

Golden Agri Resources
Primary: Götz Martin, Head of Sustainability Implementation
Secondary: Hendi Hidayat, Head of Conservation Management and Monitoring

OLAM International
Primary: Audrey Lee Mei Fong, Sustainability General Manager
Secondary: Quentin Meunier, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability General Manager

Technical Service Providers
Primary: Mike Senior, Deputy Director, Conservation and Land Use
Secondary: Daniel Arancibia, Regional Director Latin America

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
Primary: Tiur Rumondang, Country Director, Indonesia
Secondary: Khing Su Li, Biodiversity Manager

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
Primary: Dr. Pasi Miettinen, Senior Expert, Forest Management
Secondary: Dr. Hans Joachim Droste, Chief Policy Officer

We thank all Members for participating in such an important process.