Landscapes & Jurisdictions

Landscapes & Jurisdictions

Commodity production must happen in a way that minimizes risks to environmental and social values. It is no longer feasible to only focus on individual farms and plantations in isolation of the surrounding landscape and communities.

Sustainable Development Goal 15 – Life on Land

Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

600,000 Sq. Km

of landscapes and jurisdictions globally have been screened for HCVs.


countries have done HCV screenings.


districts are actively screening for HCVs.

HCV Screening – an entry-point for the HCV approach at landscape scales

In response to increasing interest to scale up the use of the HCV approach in landscapes and jurisdictions, the HCV Screening Guidance was published as a supporting tool in 2019.

HCV screening is a participatory desktop process to understand which types of HCVs may be present in a landscape, and how those values are threatened, thereby setting priorities for follow-up action at landscape scales. While it is not appropriate to employ screening as a standalone methodology for making land-use planning decisions, it does provide a first step to plan and efficiently allocate resources for urgent follow-up actions, include participatory mapping and field-level assessments to identify HCVs actually present and the areas that support them.

HCV Screening considers

  • The likelihood of HCV presence in a landscape
  • The potential threats to the HCVs
  • Which areas are the most urgent for follow-up action on the ground

Who can benefit from using the HCV screening tool?

The screening tool offers benefits to a wide variety of stakeholders involved in jurisdictional and landscape sustainability initiatives, including government technical staff, NGOs, donors and investors and multi-stakeholder platforms.

  • Screening can help to inform governments and companies of potential HCVs that are likely to exist and to set priorities for follow-up activities needed for defining areas required for their protection.
  • Screening can promote collaboration between neighbouring management units and reduce overlaps in fieldwork, creates cost-efficiencies for collaborative assessments, identifies high-priority areas for follow-up field work, making assessments more focused and efficient, and supports coordinated management and monitoring efforts across multiple management units within a landscape.
  • Screening can also be used as a communication tool and spark discussion among landscape stakeholders to promote sustainability issues across landscapes.
  • Community and indigenous people’s participation in a screening exercise also provides a platform to express priority concerns about environmental issues and prioritise actions.
  • Screening can also be used by industry forums to prioritise and focus action for HCV management on the ground, aligned with their sustainability goals.

HCV Screening has been used in a wide variety of contexts including

  • As a planning tool for more efficient HCV assessments as part of the RSPO jurisdictional certification scheme
  • To inform follow-up procedures to identify HCVs in state-mandated forest certification
  • To identify candidate areas for conservation and follow-up procedures required to confirm importance for their protection
  • To identify potential conservation values, threats and map risks in production landscapes
  • To streamline efforts to assess HCVs under climate projects
  • To understand the potential impact of past environmental disasters
  • To inform and engage growers and investors on potential management improvement from landscape risk-profiles

HCV Screening does have limitations. Appropriate and inappropriate uses of HCV Screening have been outlined in the updated HCV Screening Brief

The HCV Network Secretariat actively engages in landscape and jurisdictional initiatives and acts as a technical, independent advisor to link landscape or jurisdictional projects, and facilitates knowledge exchange for best practices to effectively and efficiently identify, manage and monitor HCV at landscape scales.

The Secretariat provides advisory services related to:

  • Project planning and design
  • Coordination or support with project implementation
  • Interpretation of results and formulation of recommendations
  • Training on the HCV Screening and follow-up HCV assessments, management and monitoring
  • Quality assurance and feedback on HCV Screening

For more information, please contact

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Related Documents

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HCV Screening Brief

This is a quick read that explains what HCV Screening is and how it is used in practice.

Document Type
Date of Publication

December 10, 2024


Landscapes & Jurisdictions
Document Title

HCV Screening Guide

HCV Screening: Guidance for identifying and prioritising action for HCVs in jurisdictional and landscape settings 

This document describes a methodology called High Conservation Value (HCV) screening. HCV screening is a desktop exercise that uses the six HCV definitions to characterize the environmental and social aspects of a landscape or jurisdiction. Screening considers: the likelihood that HCVs are present, identifies threats to those HCVs and indicates which values are most at risk. This guidance was first published in April 2019. In 2020 the guidance was updated to incorporate learning and experience from HCVN-coordinated screenings and inputs from other practitioners. HCV screening teams are the primary audience for the document, but it should also be informative for stakeholders involved in screening processes and for those involved in the wider project or initiative in which a screening is being conducted (e.g. government technical staff, NGOs, donors and investors).

Document Type
Date of Publication

December 30, 2021


Landscapes & Jurisdictions
Document Title

White Paper: HCV Screening for Sustainable Land Use

This white paper was produced as part of the HCV Network's session on HCV Screening for Sustainable Land Use: Prioritizing Conservation and Livelihoods in Production Landscapes at the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) Climate Hybrid Conference on November 6, 2021.

Document Type
Date of Publication

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Landscapes & Jurisdictions
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HCV Screening Course Leaflet

Learn about our self-paced online course: Introduction to HCV Screening

Document Type
Date of Publication

December 30, 2021


Landscapes & Jurisdictions

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