Quality Panel
Report evaluations are done by a Quality Panel (QP) of highly-qualified professionals with diverse skills and expertise including environmental, GIS/remote sensing and social. Each report evaluation is conducted by two or more QP members, who thoroughly read the report and evaluate its quality against ALS requirements and HCV and HCSA reference documents. The QP can evaluate reports in Bahasa Indonesia, English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. The Network welcomes applications from professionals interested in becoming QP members.
Abraham Baffoe
Abraham Baffoe
MSc. From Ghana with over 19 years of experience with sustainability standards, HCV assessments, oil palm, and training in nine countries in Africa. ALS licensed assessor and Quality Panel Member.
Adi Prasetijo
Adi Prasetijo
Anthropology Ph.D. University Science of Malaysia. Stakeholder analysis and stakeholder engagement.MSC. Anthropology, University of Indonesia. BA Archeology. University of Gadjah Mada.Stakeholder analysis and stakeholder engagement. Land acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARAP).Conflict analysis in development program. Social development & social sustainability. World Bank Operation Manual.
Aisyah Sileuw
Aisyah Sileuw
MSc. from Indonesia with more than 20 years of experience in Southeast Asia working in HCV assessments, HCV national interpretations, policy and training. She is also an experienced FSC and RSPO auditor and an HCVN's Quality Panel member.
Ana Sofia Lorda
Ana Sofia Lorda
MSc. in Biodiversity, Conservation, and Management, University of Oxford. BSc. in Biology, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
Andres Napuri
Andres Napuri
M.A. in Linguistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. M.Sc. in Social Anthropology, University of Oxford.
Andres Venegas
Andres Venegas
Forestry Engineer with over 20 years experience in the forestry sector, biodiversity conservation, assurance and verification systems, monitoring and evaluation, impact assessment, stakeholder engagement and advocacy.
Arie Soetjiadi
Arie Soetjiadi
MSc. with more than 10 years' experience working in conservation and certification (FSC, SAN, RSPO). Biology (Diploma) at University of Hohenheim, Germany. Master Degree (Diploma) in Botany, Phytochemistry, Landscape Ecology.
Arthur Wieczorek
Arthur Wieczorek
BSc Ecology, MSc Geosciences & Environment, Phd Environmental Science ongoing +9 years
Bart Van Assen
Bart Van Assen
MSc Management of Natural Resources in the Tropics Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands.Over 12 years' experience with sustainable forest management and chain-of-custody certification, timber legality verification, and step-wise certification. Tropical forestry and management of natural resources.
Betsy Yaap
Betsy Yaap
MSc. From the USA, with over 10 years of experience with HCV assessments, mentoring, peer reviews and internal audits in Southeast Asia and West Africa.
Carlos Jorquera
Carlos Jorquera
Forestry Engineering University of Concepción, Chile.
Claudine Nagiah
Claudine Nagiah
Claudine has 20 years’ broad international experience in social development, natural resource management and sustainability. She has experience in the forest sector, palm oil and in sustainable tourism. Her work focuses on social and environmental policies and standards, including auditing, quality assurance, monitoring compliance, training and capacity building, and advising on social and environmental risks and safeguards.
She is currently based in Thailand and has worked in Europe, South America, Africa, South and South East Asia for international development agencies, local governments, NGOs, CBOs, social enterprises, and private sector companies.
Daniel Arancibia
Daniel Arancibia
BSc, MBA & 14 years.
Dicky Simorangkir
Dicky Simorangkir
Dicky is forester and obtained his PhD in 1994 at Forestry Faculty, Göttingen University, Germany, where he also worked for some years as scientist and researcher. Since then, he has been working for 28+ years in leading positions for various development, environment, and conservation programs and organizations. Currently he is the Senior Expert Biodiversity Conservation for G20 Global Land Initiative of the UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification).
Dicky’s field of expertise ranges from natural resource and forest management and conservation, biodiversity and protected area management, climate change, land use/spatial planning and landscape management, technical cooperation and development assistance, project planning and design, project analysis and evaluation, forest and land fire, forest harvesting/logging, watershed management, research and development, training and capacity building. He is also co-founder of HCV Network Indonesia, Founder and Board Chairman of Tropenbos Indonesia, Member of Advisory Board to Tropenbos International, and board member of some NGOs.
Dwi R. Muhtaman
Dwi R. Muhtaman
BSc, MSc + 15 years. Forestry auditing, RSPO Social expert and team leader 12 HCV Assessments, involved in >40 forest audits as social expert, qualified CoC auditor.
Edward Pollard
Edward Pollard
MSc. from England with over 15 years’ experience with the HCV approach, applied to forestry, oil palm and REDD, including experience as a peer reviewer. He has worked in South East Asia and Africa and he's a Quality Panel member
Fagnan Franck Bie
Fagnan Franck Bie
Msc. in GIS/Remote Sensing. For more than 11 years, Franck has applied his Expertise in GIS/Remote Sensing in various fields ranging from Palm Oil, Rubber, Cocoa, Coffee to Cotton etc. He has been involved and led HCV and HCV-HCSA assessments as Social and/or GIS and Remote Sensing Expert. Franck is an HCV ALS Lead Assessor and HCSA Practitioner. Franck lives in Côte d'Ivoire/Ivory Coast and speaks French and English
Felicia Lasmana
Felicia Lasmana
BSc Biology, MSc Environmental Science.Felicia has 8+ yrs of experience in ecological survey, HCV assessment and investment due diligence.
Firman Hadi
Firman Hadi
Ph.D. Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Remote Sensing and Landscape Ecology.More than 13 years working on Landscape Ecology and remote sensing.
Gerardo Garcia Contreras
Gerardo Garcia Contreras
Haryo Ajie Dewanto
Haryo Ajie Dewanto
BS in Forestry, M.S in Natural Resource Management.Has 5 years' experience in Ecosystem restoration project with GIS and Remote Sensing core. Ajie is a registered HCSA practitioner.
Helen Newing
Helen Newing
PhD, Stirling University, Scotland. BSc, Psychology and Zoology at Reading, Has over 5 years' experience in international environment and development policy and practice (interdisciplinary social/environmental methodologies; social and environmental responsibility standards; conservation and indigenous rights; collaborative natural resource management, community conserved areas and protected areas governance. Experience with participatory planning and management, including stakeholder consultation, social/participatory aspects of mapping and FPIC processes. Expertise in wildlife surveying techniques (doctoral thesis).
I Gusti Ngurah Agus Eka Putera
I Gusti Ngurah Agus Eka Putera
BSC Forestry. Forest Conservation Department, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). More than 8 years of relevant experience in auditing, biological studies as part of environmental impact assessment, HCV assessment, forest dynamics research, forest biomass assessments, ecotourism management, facilitation of community forest groups in achieving FSC certification, and risk assessments for palm oil plantations in preparation for RSPO certification.
Iding Haidir
Iding Haidir
D.Phil Zoology / Wildlife Conservation, University of Oxford.MSc Zoology, University of Oxford. International Wildlife Conservation Practice. Worked for the Indonesia Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) for two decades. Within the MoEF, he has posted in several positions in various regions in west-central Sumatra. In collaboration with NGO partners, Iding managed several (complex) projects in wildlife conservation that have vast arrays of technical, managerial and social aspects (spatial, data analyses, socio-cultural, education and art, voluntaries, academic and science, inter-agencies relations, and policies).
Indrawan Suryadi
Indrawan Suryadi
BSc in forestry at Bogor Agricultural University, and a professional course in Geo-Information Management at ITC Enschede. More than 20 years of experience in the field of GIS, Remote Sensing, HCV, HCS, and landscape conservation.
Jake Willis
Jake Willis
MSc. Forestry and land use, University (2000). Territorial rights, mapping and participatory monitoring in relation to several industries (mining, logging, oil palm, protected areas, safari hunting and carbon).
Jhon Alexander Infante Betancour
Jhon Alexander Infante Betancour
Jimena Frojan
Jimena Frojan
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Executive Training Program. Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina.Environmental Analyst. Universidad del Salvador, Argentina, 2000-2004. Jimena is ALS Senior Quality Officer at the HCV Network Secretariat.
Jules Crawshaw
Jules Crawshaw
Bsc Forestry, MSc Business systems.
Junia Karst
Junia Karst
Msc in Forest Science, 10 years experience working with socioenvironmental projects and Native forest management certification in Brazil. Experience with Quality system assurance including peer review process
Lahiru Wijedasa
Lahiru Wijedasa
MSc. from Singapore. Botanist with 9 years of experience as a researcher working on vegetation surveys and remote-sensing based vegetation classification and statistical data analysis. Also experienced in HCV assessments and EIAs in Southeast Asia.
Langlang Tata Buana
Langlang Tata Buana
Laura Doughty
Laura Doughty
Ph.D. Landscape Ecology, Oxford Brookes University. Researcher monitoring wild ungulate response to conservancy creation and management.
Lely Puspitasari
Lely Puspitasari
BSc in forestry at Universitas Gadjah Mada Faculty of Forestry. Currently doing MSC studies at Northern Arizona University. Worked 4 years as an auditor for standards that consider the HCV Approach: FSC, VLC and SAN standards.
Marcelo Levy
Marcelo Levy
MSc. From Canada has more than 20 years’ experience in forest management and supply chain certification, auditing and verification, standards development and stakeholder consultation in North and South America.
Marcelo Villegas Vallejos
Marcelo Villegas Vallejos
MSc Tropical Ecology, Universidade Federal do Paraná.
BSc in Biological Sciences, Universidade Federal do Paraná
Over 10 years of experience as a biodiversity expert and wildlife ecologist.
Maria Rodriguez Guismero
Maria Rodriguez Guismero
MSc. From Spain with over 8 years’ experience as auditor, reviewer and trainer in FSC forestry certification and HCV Assessments in Spain, UK, Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.
Marion Thomas
Marion Thomas
Engineering Geologist, University of Pretoria.
More than 20 years working on environmental and social aspects of large-scale projects, including large-scale agriculture, mining, infrastructure, oil and gas, and heavy industry.
Marisol Zumbado
Marisol Zumbado
MSc. From Costa Rica with over 10 years of experience in HCV, HCV assessments, oil palm, and payment for ecosystem services in Central America.
Mark Leighton
Mark Leighton
PhD. from the USA with over 15 years’ experience in tropical forest ecology, management and conservation, stakeholder engagement, and HCV assessments in South East Asia, Africa, Latin America for the forestry, oil palm, and pulp/paper sectors.
Mauro Ciriminna
Mauro Ciriminna
MSc environmental science policy and management (Erasmus Mundus ), BA in development economics (Palermo).
Ongoing MSc in GIS and Remote Sensing by Lund University.
Specialised in indigenous people land management issues, customary rights, and, in general, social development.
Michael Bragg
Michael Bragg
Agricultural Systems with a Major in Agronomy and Honours in Applied Science for International Development.
10+ years of experience in sustainability, environmental management, socio-economic development, and FPIC practices.
Nana Darko Cobbina
Nana Darko Cobbina
Neville Kemp
Neville Kemp
Ecology and Forestry Management. MSc Forestry Management, University of Aberdeen. B.Sc., Ecology (Hons). University of Leeds. 12 years of experience with HCV assessments.
Nick Moss Gillespie
Nick Moss Gillespie
MSc. From Canada has over 15 years’ experience in the forest-sector governance, monitoring, certification and auditing, having worked in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa.
Ninil Jannah
Ninil Jannah
BA in Medicine , Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia. 5 years of experience in leading and conducting HCV Assessment for industrial forest, palm oil and rubber companies in South Sumatra, West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, and Papua, as well as carbon projects.
Olivia Rickenbach
Olivia Rickenbach
Ph.D. from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, MSc Science in Conservation Biology, Ecology, (2008) University of Zurich, Switzerland. She has 10 years of experience developing guidance for best practices in HCV ID, M&M, and the study of socio-ecological systems.
Olivia Scholtz
Olivia Scholtz
MSc and PhD in Tropical Ecology.Expert on wildlife conservation. She has over 15 years' experience in natural resource management, forestry sector, local communities, and national wildlife authorities.
Philippa Atkinson
Philippa Atkinson
Ph.D. London School of Economics. Development Studies/Political Economy.
7 years of experience on social aspects of voluntary certification standards in the commodity production sector, including the RSPO, HCSA and FSC.
Putri Handayani
Putri Handayani
MSc. Climate Change, Development and Policy, University of Sussex.
Richard Robertson
Richard Robertson
MSc Forest Management. Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester UK. BSc Geographical Science University of Portsmouth, UK.
Richard Sobey
Richard Sobey
MSc. from the UK, with 25 years of HCV related experience in Asia and Africa, working on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management and carrying out ecology and environmental assessments. He's a Quality Panel member.
Rifat Aldina
Rifat Aldina
MSc. in Forest and Nature Conservation Policy, Wageningen University. He speaks Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Rina Wulandari
Rina Wulandari
Bachelor froBachelor from faculty of forestry and master degree on natural resources management and environment from IPB University. More than 17 years of experience in a field of GIS, remote sensing and environmental management.
Sahat Aritonang
Sahat Aritonang
Sebastian de Smedt
Sebastian de Smedt
Ph.D. From Belgium, has more than six years of experience working in responsible production, landscape ecology and planning and applying the HCV and HCS approaches, having worked in Africa and Latin America.
Sophie Dirou
Sophie Dirou
MSc. From France, working mainly in Africa with more than 11 years of experience in auditing forestry and oil palm, Environmental Impact Assessments and HCV assessments.
Stephan Wulffraat
Stephan Wulffraat
Bachelors degree in Tropical Forestry and Masters degree in Landscape Ecology.
Stephen Krecik
Stephen Krecik
MSc Forestry in International Development, Michigan State University.BSc on Forest Management Purdue University.Stephen has 26 year' experience with value chains, particularly in palm oil, timber, rubber, coffee, cocoa, and tea.
Titiek Setyawati
Titiek Setyawati
PhD in Forestry and Wildlife Management, University of Melbourne, Australia. Master of Science in Forest Management and Biodiversity Conservation, Mississippi State University. Bachelor (S1) degree in Forest Resource Conservation, Bogor Agriculture Institute.
30 years of experience revising the HCVF Guideline/Toolkit 2008, development of PHPL and PHTL forest certification standards; HCVF trainer (Remark Asia and WWF). Experience in Strengthening Community Based Forest Management, Forest Landscape Restoration, biodiversity conservation, and member of Quality Assessor team for RA work in 2017 on GSEP-POIG assessment for GAR-APP.
Wulan Pusparini
Wulan Pusparini
MSc Environmental Conservation. University of Massachusetts Amherst.
10 years working on biodiversity conservation and research.
Yamila Barasch
Yamila Barasch
Yamila has a bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences. She is a GIS and Remote Sensing specialist with over 15 years of experience in environmental and land use projects. She has solid knowledge of fieldrealted geographic mapping and data compilation. Yamila is based in Argentina and speaks fluent Spanish and English.
Yeong Kok Loong (Benny Yeong)
Yeong Kok Loong (Benny Yeong)
PhD Forestry. Universiti Malaysia Sabah. He has 7 years’ experience in coordinating biodiversity conservation research and outreach projects in Sabah Malaysia, including in oil palm landscapes, oil palm certification, conservation, and policy.
Yudi Iskandarsyah
Yudi Iskandarsyah
Forestry degree from Bogor Agricultural University and a master’s degree on Environmental Management from Yale University. FSC Forest Management Auditing, Indonesian Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS), Sustainable Agricultural Network (SAN) and ISO 9000:2015. He is a Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG) auditor and has participated in field assessments across timber, palm oil, and other sectors.
Our Partnerships
In April 2022, FEMEXPALMA and the HCV Network signed a 5-year cooperation agreement to promote sustainable production of palm oil in Mexico. FEMEXPALMA is a Mexican independent entity that represents palm production at the national level and promotes the increase of productivity in a sustainable way.
With global markets becoming stricter, for Mexican producers to be able to export to key markets such as the European Union, they must meet strict requirements such as certification by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). To be certified by RSPO, the HCV Approach must be applied prior to the establishment of any new oil palm plantations. With this cooperation agreement, the HCV Network will support FEMEXPALMA’s members and allies to design better strategies to identify, manage and monitor High Conservation Values and support smallholders to achieve RSPO certification and implement good agricultural practices.
High Carbon Stock Approach
The High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA) is an integrated conservation land use planning tool to distinguish forest areas in the humid tropics for conservation, while ensuring local peoples’ rights and livelihoods are respected.
In September 2020, HCV Network and the HCSA Steering Group signed a five-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their collaboration to conserve forests and uphold community rights in tropical forests. The HCS and HCV Approaches are cornerstones of corporate no deforestation and conservation commitments, and increasingly for actors working at different scales. The collaboration aims to further support effective implementation of these commitments through increased uptake of the HCV and HCS tools.
Through this MoU, HCSA and HCVRN are pursuing two main strategic goals:
- Strive to promote the application of the two approaches in tropical moist forest landscapes and explore further opportunities for collaboration.
- Ensure that, where the two approaches are applied together, this happens in a coordinated, robust, credible, and efficient manner, so that HCS forests and HCVs are conserved, and local peoples’ rights are respected.
World Benchmarking Alliance
From May 2022, the HCV Network is an ally at the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA). WBA is building a diverse and inclusive movement of global actors committed to using benchmarks to incentivise, measure, and monitor corporate performance on the SDGs, and will assess and rank the performance of 2,000 of the world’s most influential companies against seven systems of transformation by 2023.
The scope of WBA’s circular transformation was expanded to cover nature and biodiversity as recognition of the need for greater understanding, transparency and accountability of business impact on our environment. The WBA Nature Benchmark was launched in April 2022, which will be used to rank keystone companies on their efforts to protect our environment and its biodiversity. As HCV Areas are recognised as key areas important for biodiversity, companies that publicly disclose their actions to identify and protect HCVs will contribute to the assessment of their performance against the benchmark.
Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures - TNFD
The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is a global, market-led initiative, established with the mission to develop and deliver a risk management and disclosure framework for organizations to report and act on evolving nature-related risks, with the aim of supporting a shift in global financial flows away from nature-negative outcomes and toward nature-positive outcomes.
In April 2022, the HCV Network joined the TNFD Forum. The TNFD Forum, composed of over 400 members, is a world-wide and multi-disciplinary consultative network of institutional supporters who share the vision and mission of the task force.
By participating in the Forum, the HCV Network contributes to the work and mission of the taskforce and help co-create the TNFD Framework which aims to provide recommendations and advice on nature-related risks and opportunities relevant to a wide range of market participants, including investors, analysts, corporate executives and boards, regulators, stock exchanges and accounting firms.
Aquaculture Stewardship Council
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is the world’s leading certification scheme for farmed seafood – known as aquaculture – and the ASC label only appears on food from farms that have been independently assessed and certified as being environmentally and socially responsible. In 2021, the HCV Network and ASC formalised their collaboration through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU represents the first step in a fruitful relationship aimed at conserving HCVs in aquaculture. Although, existing guidance on the use of the HCV Approach currently focuses mainly on forestry and agriculture, the HCV Approach is however generic, and in principle also applicable to aquatic production systems. Through this MoU, this is recognised by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) in their ASC farm standard, in which the protection of HCV areas is mentioned in the context of expansion
Accountability Framework Initiative
The Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) is a collaborative effort to build and scale up ethical supply chains for agricultural and forestry products. Led by a diverse global coalition of environmental and human rights organizations, the AFi works to create a “new normal” where commodity production and trade are fully protective of natural ecosystems and human rights. To pursue this goal, the coalition supports companies and other stakeholders in setting strong supply chain goals, taking effective action, and tracking progress to create clear accountability and incentivize rapid improvement. In July 2022, the HCV Network joined AFi as a Supporting Partner. AFi Supporting Partners extend the reach and positive impact of the AFi by promoting use of the Accountability Framework by companies, industry groups, financial institutions, governments, and other sustainability initiatives, both globally and in commodity-producing countries.
Biodiversity Credit Alliance
The Biodiversity Credit Alliance (BCA) is a global multi-disciplinary advisory group formed in late 2022. Its mission is to bring clarity and guidance on the formulation of a credible and scalable biodiversity credit market under global biodiversity credit principles. Under these principles, the BCA seeks to mobilize financial flows towards biodiversity custodians while recognising local knowledge and contexts.
The HCVN joined the BCA Forum in August 2023 to learn more from the many organizations already coming together to find effective pathways to opening up credit-based approaches, and how to contribute our knowledge and experience of years of working in a practical way, often with global sustainability standards and their certified producers, to protect what matters most to nature and people.
Get Involved
The Network is always looking for partners who are interested in supporting our work, for talented professionals who can join the growing Secretariat team, and for professionals who can lead assessments globally.
Get Involved